- 35 Reasons to Change Your Mower Blades This Spring
- How To Prepare Your Yard for an Awesome Easter Egg Hunt
- How To Prepare Your Snow Blower for Storage
- The Best Way to Store Your Snowmobile
- The Best Tools and Protection for Valentine's Day
- TERRE™ is Announced as New Brand Name for Phoenix Distribution
- Pulley Versus Sheave
- Lawn and Garden Belts: What is Aramid cord?
- Snowblowers vs Snow throwers
- Idler Pulleys vs Drive Pulleys: What is the difference?
35 Reasons to Change Your Mower Blades This Spring

How To Prepare Your Snow Blower for Storage

How To Prepare Your Yard for an Awesome Easter Egg Hunt

Easter is not only a festive holiday celebrated by people around the world and for many, marks the start of spring. A super fun Easter tradition is the backyard Easter egg hunt. The thrill of the hunt for those colorful eggs hidden around the yard, in the bushes, behind rocks, up in trees nestled in the grass creates unforgettable memories. Planning a safe and fun Easter egg hunt requires some lawn prep.
The Best Way to Store Your Snowmobile
TERRE™ is Announced as New Brand Name for Phoenix Distribution

Pulley Versus Sheave

Lawn and Garden Belts: What is Aramid cord?

Snowblowers vs Snow throwers

Idler Pulleys vs Drive Pulleys: What is the difference?

Okay, everyone, we've gone over the two most important questions someone could have while visiting our website.
Now let's compare the two... which does what? How do idler pulleys and drive pulleys work together? What do idler pulleys and drive pulleys look like? Which one would win in a fight?!
What is an Idler Pulley?

So you know you have to replace a pulley on your snowblower because of some extensive online research, but you're not sure what kind you have. At first you thought maybe it was a drive pulley, but after looking at it closely, you can tell it's got some pretty key differences.
The root of the word "idler" has a couple of different meanings - the one most of us use daily refers to people who are lazy, or activities that are pointless. I have good news for you, idler pulleys are neither lazy nor pointless, and if you take all of the idleness out of your lawnmower, it will break!
Let's get our bearings together and find out all about idler pulleys!
Introducing: Phoenix Distribution

What is a Drive Pulley?

End-of-the-Season Mower Maintenance

You care about your zero-turn mower’s wellbeing – it’s been providing a smooth cut of your grass all summer – making your lawn the envy of the neighborhood. So you know it deserves a good thorough cleaning before it beds down for winter. Did you know that grass stops growing at around 50 degrees Fahrenheit? Up north in the beautiful White Mountains, New Hampshire has just had its very first frost of the season: No mow summer for us, that’s for sure.
For us, it’s time to turn in our pruning sheers and our beautifully manicured lawns and start prepping for the long winter ahead. That includes some outdoor power equipment maintenance. Are you asking yourself, “What kind of maintenance does my lawnmower need before winter?”
We’re here to help.
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on nearly every item in our store!
Pulley Dimension Definitions

In Engineers We Trust
Here at Phoenix, we get a lot of calls to 1-800-776-9315. People wanting to make sure they have found the right Genuine OEM Replacement Pulley for their Scag mower, needing help measuring their pulley, or wanting to verify stock on our timing pulleys. We love these calls. We are happy to help with these kinds of questions at any hour of the day.
We also get the occasional email or phone call requesting advise on which size pulley to use when starting a new project. A recent caller with just such a question turned out to be designing an industrial automatic coffee grinder. Our intrepid innovators usually begin with, “I’ve got a 5 horsepower motor with a ¾” shaft, and I want to know what size pulleys to buy to get 300 RPM.”
Pulleys in Power Transmission
What is a pulley?
Have you ever heard of a simple machine? It’s something you might have been quizzed on in middle school, but don’t worry, just by reading this blog, you’ll get a gold star for the day! Every day, you interact with simple machines, from opening your bedroom door (wheel-and-axle doorknob) to using a knife to slice your bagel (wedge).
They're in your car, your home, and even your own body. Here, for instance, is a lever:

Shut The Barn Door! Get 15% off

Selecting a Pulley for your V-Belt

Most of us are not designing machinery to precisely traverse interdimensional portals into alternate realities. Probably. So an engineering degree is not necessary to pick out most replacement pulleys.
Genuine Original Equipment Manufacturers and You
Customize Your Pulley: How to use Multiple Bore Options

Many of our customers are building custom jobs in their workshop or fixing their busted equipment. Electric motors, fan systems, compressors, old lawnmowers, or innovations in perpetual motion? Sometimes a standard pulley is just not going to work. Phoenix is your one-stop for idlers and drives, sure, but we also don’t want inventory rows that go on and on forever.
This brings us to the happy solution: Multiple Bore Options.
What does it mean for you? How does it work? Why do we have so many options? Let’s bore deep into this topic!
Filter your Search results for the Ultimate in Pulley Choice!
It’s the long awaited sequel to the smash hit, How to Find the Right Replacement Pulley: Trim Down Your Search Results!
Let’s say you’re working on a new project and don’t have one specific pulley in mind. Maybe you have an inch or two of give on the Outside Diameter of your drive sheave, but it has to fit on a 1” shaft. Unfortunately, searching for “5-6 drive 1 ID” isn’t going to get you any useful results. The internet might think you’re looking to go somewhere on May 6 under an assumed name.
How to Find the Right Replacement Pulley: Trim Down Your Search Results
So, you’re looking for a pulley, and finally, you’ve come to the right place – Phoenix: Pulleys Bearings & Belts are the experts you’ve been dreaming of for years, we’ve got more pulleys for sale than you can throw a belt at!
You may have been searching for hours by this point, and are plain fed up with the internet in general - so we’ve compiled here a few tips for navigating our site to take away some of the tension you’re feeling.
The good news? You’ve already completed Step 1 by coming to the best place online for replacement pulleys in lawn mowers, snow blowers, and small engines.